Static NA

Static NA

Running WAVE with pre-computed node similarities

This software tool can also be used to align two static networks using the WAVE method [3]. First, we read in the static networks and (from the examples/ directory). The two networks are very similar, with corresponding nodes of the same names. The networks are in the LEDA format (hence, the .gw extension) and so we use the readgw function to load it.

net1 = readgw("")
net2 = readgw("")
shell> cat
1 2 0 |{}|
2 3 0 |{}|
3 4 0 |{}|
4 1 0 |{}|
4 5 0 |{}|

shell> cat
1 2 0 |{}|
2 3 0 |{}|
3 4 0 |{}|
4 1 0 |{}|
4 5 0 |{}|
5 6 0 |{}|

Then, we read in the node similarities between the two networks from evgdvsim.txt. The node similarities are also stored in a different format and we use the readdlm function to load it.

R = readdlm("exgdvsim.txt", header=true)[1]
shell> cat exgdvsim.txt
5 6
0.972933 0.93658 0.972933 0.925753 0.935525 0.903174
0.939805 0.988206 0.939805 0.91356 0.933523 0.937895
0.972933 0.93658 0.972933 0.925753 0.935525 0.903174
0.917616 0.925602 0.917616 0.973495 0.910664 0.896031
0.922085 0.933688 0.922085 0.879783 0.951919 0.954437

Finally, we align the two networks using the node similarities.

f = wave(net1.G, net2.G, R)

Same as before, f contains the alignment between the two networks and we construct the aligned node pairs as follows.

nodepairs = hcat(net1.nodes, net2.nodes[f])

We can write the alignment to file as follows.

writedlm("exalnfile.txt", nodepairs)

Computing node similarities and then running WAVE

Computing topological node similarities

Static GDVs, or GDVs, are node descriptors that take the local topology of nodes in a static network into account. The GDVs of a network can be calculated using GraphCrunch. In the following example, we will align, from the examples/ directory, a yeast network to itself.

First, we read the networks and the GDVs into memory.

net1 = readgw("")
gdv1 = readgdv("0Krogan_2007_high.ncount.ndump2", net1.nodes)
net2 = readgw("")
gdv2 = readgdv("0Krogan_2007_high.ncount.ndump2", net2.nodes)

Second, we calculate node similarities between node pairs in the two networks using GDV similarity.

S = NodeSimMeasure(:gdvs, gdv1, gdv2).S

Finally, we align the two networks using WAVE.

f = wave(net1.G, net2.G, S)

We can construct the node pairs and calculate node correctness as follows

nodepairs = hcat(net1.nodes, net2.nodes[f])

nc = mean(net1.nodes .== net2.nodes[f])

Computing external node similarities from BLAST E-values

Of course, we can similarly use E-values to align two networks as well. We will be using the same yeast networks as in the above sub-section. We convert the E-values to node similarities and then align.

E = readevalues("yeastlc_yeastlc_evalues.txt", net1.nodes, net2.nodes)
S = NodeSimMeasure(:evalues, E).S
f = wave(net1.G, net2.G, S)

Comparison of static and dynamic NA

In the DynaWAVE paper, we compared DynaWAVE to WAVE (and MAGNA++ and DynaMAGNA++). The following is an example demonstrating how to make this comparison using WAVE and DynaWAVE.

First, we load the two dynamic networks, their corresponding dynamic GDVs, and calculate node similarities.

t1 = readeventlist("yeastlc_original_tw_1_1.dy")
dgdv1 = readgdv("yeastlc_original_dgdv_6_4_1.txt", t1.nodes)

t2 = readeventlist("yeastlc_rnd_0.10_1_tw_1_1.dy")
dgdv2 = readgdv("yeastlc_rnd_0.10_1_dgdv_6_4_1.txt", t2.nodes)

Sdgdv = NodeSimMeasure(:pcagdvs,dgdv1,dgdv2).S

Then, we load the corresponding flattened static networks, their corresponding GDVs, and calculate node similarities calculated using the PCA-based technique described in [5].

s1 = readgw("")
gdv1 = readgdv("yeastlc_original.gdv.ndump2", s1.nodes)

s2 = readgw("")
gdv2 = readgdv("yeastlc_original.gdv.ndump2", s2.nodes)

Sgdv = NodeSimMeasure(:pcagdvs,gdv1,gdv2).S

We can flatten a dynamic network to a static network as follows. There is an edge between two nodes in the static network if there is atleast one interaction (dynamic edge) between two nodes in the dynamic network.

net1 = readeventlist("yeastlc_original_tw_1_1.dy")
Gdynamic = net1.G

Gstatic = flatten(Gdynamic)

Notice that the flattened version of both t1 and t1 result in the same network as s1 (modulo node permutations) due to our randomization model. That is:

flatten(t1[sortperm(t1.nodes)]) == flatten(t2[sortperm(t2.nodes)]) == s1[sortperm(s1.nodes)]
# true

Then, we align the networks using both WAVE and DynaWAVE. Here, we set the $\beta$ parameter to 0.5 as in the paper.

fdynamic = dynawave(t1.G, t2.G, Sdgdv, 0.5)

fstatic = wave(s1.G, s2.G, Sgdv, 0.5)

We can calculate node correctness as follows.

nc_dynamic = nodecorrectness(fdynamic, t1.nodes, t2.nodes)

nc_static = nodecorrectness(fstatic, s1.nodes, s2.nodes)

Finally, above, we aligned the yeast dynamic network to the same network with 10% randomization. We can also align the yeast dynamic network to itself.

S = NodeSimMeasure(:pcagdvs,gdv1,gdv1).S
f = dynawave(t1.G, t1.G, S, 0.5)
nodecorrectness(f, t1.nodes, t1.nodes)