

IsoRank.jl is a Julia implementation of IsoRank as described in "Global alignment of multiple protein interaction networks with application to functional orthology detection", Rohit Singh, Jinbo Xu, and Bonnie Berger (2008). IsoRank.jl also contains a PageRank implementation. The greedy network alignment method is also implemented here.

IsoRank calculates the topological similarity of all pairs of nodes across two networks, with the assumption that a node is similar to another node if the node's neighbors are similar to the other node's neighbors. IsoRank can also use prior node similarity information while calculating this topological node similarity measure.

The IsoRank matrix is calculated by creating the product graph of two networks, and then performing PageRank on the product graph. PageRank is done by using the power method to calculate the dominant eigenvector of the modified adjacency matrix of the product graph. Since IsoRank.jl doesn't explicitly build the product graph in order to perform power iteration, it has much better time and space complexity compared to other implementations of IsoRank. This implementation of IsoRank runs in O(K(|V|^2+|V||E|)), where |V| and|E| are the number of nodes and edges in the two networks, and K is the total number of iterations required to converge under the power method.


IsoRank can be installed as follows. We also use the NetalignUtils to read networks and so we install it as follows.


Example usage

We generate a scale-free network and create an IsoRank matrix between the network and itself . We use a damping factor of 0.85 in order to calculate a good IsoRank matrix using just network topology. We load the LightGraphs package to generate networks.

using IsoRank, LightGraphs

g1 = erdos_renyi(200,0.1)
g2 = g1

G1 = adjacency_matrix(g1)
G2 = adjacency_matrix(g2)

R = isorank(G1, G2, 0.85)

R ./= maximum(R)
truemap = 1:size(G2,1)
randmap = randperm(size(G2,1))

Given the IsoRank matrix, we perform greedy alignment as follows.

f = greedyalign(R)

The resulting alignment f describes a node mapping such that node i in g1 is mapped to node j in g2 if f[i] = j. Thus, we can create the aligned node pairs as follows.

hcat(1:length(f), f[1:length(f)])

Using node similarities

Assuming we have a matrix of prior node similarities, we can calculate the IsoRank matrix while incorporating external information. We treat the the node similarities as the personalization vector in PageRank. Here, b is a matrix of node similarities. Here, we equally weigh topological node similarity and prior node similarity by setting the alpha variable to 0.5. alpha must lie between 0.0 and 1.0. To give more weight to topological node similarity, increase the alpha variable up to 1.0.

b = rand(size(G1,1), size(G2,1))
b[sub2ind(size(b), 1:length(f), 1:length(f))] = 1.0

R = isorank(G1, G2, 0.5, b)

Other parameters

Maximum number of iterations and error tolerance can be set as follows.

R = isorank(G1, G2, 0.5, b, maxiter=20, tol=1e-10)

We can extract the modified adjacency matrix, L, of the product graph as follows. vec(R) is the dominant eigenvector and res[1] is the corresponding eigenvalue of L.

R,res,L = isorank(G1, G2, 0.85, details=true)

println(norm(L * vec(R) - res[1] * vec(R),1))